太禾设计作品 - 杭金衢高速兰溪收费站周边(南入城口)及兰溪市迎宾大道景观改造设计丨谷德设计网


You go, because you think about the outside world. You back, for your heart is weary with love. Farewell, to meet, in the teahouse, bamboo forest edge.

▼高速口鸟瞰图,aerial view ©太禾设计




Lanxi Entrance of Zhejiang Hangjinqu Expressway and Yingbin Avenue (Hengshan Bridge – Hangjinqu Entrance Section) are located in the south of Lanxi City, north of Hengshan Bridge, straight to the main urban area of Lanxi. Before the reconstruction, the south entrance of Lanxi lacked signs, surrounded by abandoned farmland, sewage collection, weeds from the unripe. The intersection is built according to highway standards, and the intersection is wide with no traffic lights and hidden dangers of safety and driving order. Part of Yingbin Avenue is flanked by large woods and small ponds, while part of the road is flanked by humble houses. Hangjinqu Expressway Viaduct covered with simple and gaudy outdoor advertising, there is no identification and no sign.

▼总平面图,general plan ©太禾设计




After improving the road planning,adding urban cultural characteristics and upgrading the landscape, the project passed the provincial quality road and provincial quality entrance acceptance respectively in the 2017 Zhejiang Province “Four sides, Three modernizations” and “Double hundred” creation evaluation and acceptance, among which Yingbin Avenue was selected as the 2017 provincial quality demonstration road.

▼迎宾大道鸟瞰图,aerial view ©太禾设计



▼道路两侧的民房,private houses along the road © 章鱼见筑



设计策略 | Design Strategy

Adapt measures to local conditions, sustainable development


Scientific combination of existing resources and site functions, rational use, with the least cost, the lowest impact, to present the best landscape effect and sustainable development years.

▼兰湖大道入口,entrance to Langhu Avenue ©章鱼见筑



▼湿地公园,wetland park ©太禾设计



Improve road planning and optimize vehicle traffic scale


Follow the road design specifications, improve the quality of road traffic, ensure traffic safety, consider the viewing experience of the car shop.

▼优化后交通,optimized traffic ©太禾设计



Highlight local characteristics and inherit urban culture


Strengthen the local conditions and customs of Lanxi, improve the image and brand of the city, and enhance the connotation of the city’s cultural charm. The tea garden is designed at the entrance of Lanxi River in Hangjinqu Expressway. Drawing on the planting form of terraced fields, tea trees with a width of 1.5 meters are planted in each row, and special machines are used to pick tea leaves, which not only produces economic effect but also highlights the ornamental value of the landscape. And in the rest of the road corner set up green space, increase Lanxi logo, strengthen the image of the portal.

▼指纹茶园,fingerprint tea garden ©太禾设计




On the green space at the corner of the exit of the highway, a sculpture of the word “Lanxi” is designed as a sign to enter Lanxi. With bamboo forest as the background, the space atmosphere of returning home and traveling away is set off. After changing the turning radius of the original road and adding traffic signal lights, the road scale is reduced, the traffic speed is accelerated at the same time, and the driving order and safety index are improved. Bridge road is the gateway to the jinhua direction and enter the lanxi yingbin avenue, utilization of viaduct structure foundation, with flexible texture coating on the bridge by colour draws the outline of the ornamental archway of the traditional form, and hung lanxi and jinhua, with minimal cost, formed the most obvious discrepancy lanxi logo, at the same time avoid the administrative authority of highway construction, people call it the wisdom door.

▼入城口形象,entrance image ©太禾设计




Expand the current water surface near the intersection, so that all the vehicles and pedestrians parked at the traffic light intersection can see the lake, as if extending the landscape of Lan Lake to Yingbin Avenue. There are several current ditches and ponds on both sides of Yingbin Avenue. The river near Xingzhi College is selected to enlarge the water surface and arrange into two roadside wetland parks, which can be irrigated and bred in ordinary times and stored in floods. Preserve the original trees to form the peninsula, originally small river built after rich levels, tree island layer upon layer, can not see the origin and development of the water, seems to be very far-reaching.

▼竹林屏障,bamboo barrier ©太禾设计




Planting tallow, koelreuteria paniculata, koelreuteria paniculata and bamboo in the isolation zone of Yingbin Avenue are all native species with good growth and low price. Autumn tallow trees turn yellow, adding a unique autumn scenery to the Welcome Avenue. Bamboo groves screen the previously rambling facade along the street.

▼春秋的乌桕,tallow in Spring and Autumn ©太禾设计




The greenway chooses the bright, romantic and elegant wine red color, and designs two kinds of patterns: one is the white thin line with flowing and dynamic rhythm, the other is the elements extracted from the facial masks of local Wuju operas and processed into color blocks by abstract art.

▼林中绿道,the greenway ©太禾设计




Orchid Pavilion: BRT bus station to traditional Chinese character as the prototype, the application of eye-catching yellow. Orchid lamp: The appearance of the street lamp is derived from orchids. The overall tone is dark gray. In the daytime, the street lamp is integrated into the shadow of the street trees.

▼兰亭和兰灯,Orchid Pavilion and Orchid lamp ©太禾设计




The rammed earth wall is made of local yellow mud sand and lime, and a steel plate is covered on the top of the wall and small green tiles are laid. Hollow steel plates are used on the rammed earth walls and the name of Xinzhou Village is engraved on them. LED light strips are also installed on the wall edges to add the night scene effect. The public toilet is in the form of a traditional patio house in Lanxi, with white walls and black tiles, and a traditional carved entrance door. In the middle of the building is a courtyard filled with fragrant plants, with three sloping roofs, which collect rainwater and store it in the sink of the toilet for flushing.

▼公厕与夯土墙村标,the public toilet and the village logo with rammed earth wall ©章鱼见筑



▼天井屋公厕立面图,elevation of the public toilets ©太禾设计



▼夯土墙村标立面图,elevation of the Village logo with rammed earth wall ©太禾设计



项目设计 & 完成年份:项目设计2016年,完成年份2017年

Project name: Landscape renovation design of Hangjinqu Expressway Lanxi Toll Station (south entrance) and Lanxi Yingbin Avenue
Design: Shanghai Tophill Urban Design Consulting Co.LTD
Website: www.tophill.com.cn
Contact e-mail: 1324418518@qq.com
Design year & Completion Year: Design year 2016,Completion Year 2017
Leader designer & Team Leader: designer: Zhiqiang Wu, Project Manager: Zhongliang Lu
Project location: Zhejiang Lanxi
Gross Built Area (square meters): 1710000
Photo credits: Zhangyujianzhu,Tophill Design
Partners: Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.
Clients: Lanxi Municipal Engineering Management Office
Brands / Products: Sapium sebiferum, soapberry, koelreuteria paniculata, bamboo